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5 Views · 2 years ago

This is Part 2 of the main video created by Maldives Hajj Corporation to help Maldivian pilgrims understand how to perform Hajj properly. By Allahs will may this video enlighten and help all pilgrims and bless us all. Amen.

sheikh mohamed ibrahim naifaru
6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Dharus: Dhuniyeyge edhun boduvun
By Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim (Naifaru)
VideoSource: Fathis Media

Sheikh Nimal Mohamed
7 Views · 2 years ago

An Islamic lecture about avoiding jealousy and hate was delivered by Sheikh Nimaal Mohamed, on 25th January 2019.

#MaghribDharus is scheduled to be held in Masjidh Al Sulthan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al Auzam on every Friday.


10 Views · 2 years ago

Sheikh Izzadeen Adnaan
Masjidh Al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al-Auzam
06 November 2020
#MVIaffairs #DheeneeDhauwath #MaqribDharus

4 Views · 11 months ago

⁣01 Al fatihah

Travel & Events
53 Views · 3 years ago

Drone footage of Foundation work, Republic of Maldives (part-b)

Sheikh Ahmadh Sameer
6 Views · 2 years ago

Language: Dhivehi (Maldives)

“Kanbalunge Suvaalu”, a special Q&A program for sisters, developed by Jamiyyath Salaf.

Disseminating authentic Islamic knowledge to the Muslims of Maldives and the international community. Subscribe to our Channel and hit the bell icon to receive notifications of new video uploads.

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#jamiyyathsalaf #pray #islam

6 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Language: Dhivehi (Maldives)
Report: Sheikh Muhammadh Sinan
voice: Ali Rameez

5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Depression, Anxiety & Stress Public Lecture By Mufti Menk

Video Source: TVM

Dr. Mohamed Iyaz
8 Views · 2 years ago

First edition of serial lectures, "Thafseer Class", held on 20th January 2019.

Thafseer Class program is a series of lectures to be held every Sunday after Isha Prayers at Masjid Al-Sultan Muhammadh Thakurufaan Al-Auzam (Islamic Centre).

#MVIaffairs #ThafseerClass #IshaDHarus

Sheikh Azmath Jameel
11 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Sheikh Azmath Jameel
Jamiyyathul Islam Dharus 1444

Travel & Events
4 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Falho Indh'aairu Dhimaava Masalatha Adhi Eyge Hahlu

Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
4 Views · 9 months ago

⁣04 suvaalah fahu

Sheikh Ilyas Hussain

Travel & Events
1,339 Views · 3 years ago

Enjoy a tour of the local island of Alifushi, located in Raa Atoll in The Maldives.

Explore the local culture, swim in crystal clear waters, go on a day trip to an island with 7 palm trees and meet the friendly locals!

We hope you enjoyed this video and do let us know if you have any questions or requests for other videos!

✈ Enquire about a trip to The Maldives NOW! We'd LOVE to help you plan your dream holiday to paradise:

🐢 Visit our website:​​​​​​
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#Alifushi​​​​​​​ #RaaAtoll #LocalIsland #Maldives​​​​​​​ #IslandTour​​​​​​​ #​​​​​​​AlifushiRaa ​​​​​​​ #LocalLife​​​​​​​ #MaldivesIslands​​​​​​​ #​​​RaaMaldives​​ #MaldivesResort​ #Drone​ #Sandbank​ #GoPro​​​​​

254 Views · 3 years ago

ވާގި ޕޭޖް އަކީ
މޮބައިލް ފޯނުގެ އެކި އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތަކުގެ މައުލޫމާތާއި
ބޭނުން ކުރާނޭ ގޮތް ދިވެހި ބަހުން ކިޔާދިނުމަށް ހެދިފައިވާ ޕޭޖެކެވެ.
އެއްވެސް އެޕްލިކޭޝަން އަކާއި ގުޅޭގޮތުން
މައުލޫމާތެއް އޮޅުންފިލުވަން ބޭނުން ނަމަ
މެސެޖް އަކުން ނުވަތަ މެއިލް އަކުން ފޮނުވާލާ.

ވީހާ ގިނަ ފަރާތްތަކަށް މި މައުލޫމާތުތައް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް
ވީޑިއޯތައް ޝެއަރ ކޮށްލަދީ!

ޗެނަލްތައް އަދި ޕޭޖުތައް
ފޮލޯކޮށް ސަބްސްކްރައިބް ކޮއްލާ!


✍🏿 ނޯޓު:
މި ޗެނަލްގައި އިސްލާމް ދީނާއި ރާއްޖޭގެ ގާނޫނު ތަކާއި ހިލާފު ކަމެއް
ފަތުރާ ނުވަތަ އެފަދަ ކަމަކަށް ހިތްވަރު ލިބޭ ފަދަ ކަމެއްވެސް ނުކުރާނެ
ކަމުގެ ޔަގީންކަން ދެމެވެ.

މި ޗެނަލް އަކީ ހަމައެކަނި އުގަންނައި ދިނުމުގެ ބޭނުމުގައި ހެދިފައިވާ
ޗެނަލް އެކެވެ.

✍🏿 ނޯޓު:
މިވީޑިއޯގައި ހިމެނޭ ބައެއް ފޮޓޯ، މިޔުޒިކް، ވީޑިއޯ އަދި ގްރެފިކްސް ތަކަކީ
އަޅުގަނޑުގެ އަމިއްލަ އެއްޗެއްސެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެއީ އެތަކެތީގެ ވެރިފަރާތުގެ
ކޮޕީރައިޓްސް އޭގައި ހިމެނޭ އެފަރާތްތަކުގެ އަމިއްލަ ތަކެއްޗެވެ.

⏪ އެގޮތުން މި ވީޑިއޯގައި ހިމެނޭ އެފަދަ އެއްވެސް އެއްޗަކާއި ގުޅޭގޮތުން
އެ އެއްޗެއްގެ ވެރިފަރާތުން އެެއްވެސް މައްސަލައެއް އޮތްނަމަ
ލަސްނުކުރައްވާ އަޅުގަނޑަށް މެސެޖް ނުވަތަ މެއިލް ކޮށްލައްވާ!
އޭރުން އަޅުގަނޑު މި ވީޑިއޯ ނަގާނަމެވެ.

✍🏿 Note: This Channel doesn't Promote or encourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided by This Channel is meant for educational purpose only.

✍🏿NOTE: Some Images, Musics, Videos, Graphics, are shown in this video May be Copyrighted to respected owners, not mine.

⏩ if any content owner has some issues with my video please send a mail or message and i will remove the video.


🔴 vaagipage ge ehen platform thakakee.

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by: heem
960 7948400

Meeru Kaanaa
7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Cashew nut chilli chicken

Sheikh HussainThoarig
4 Views · 2 years ago

Thafseer Class - Dr. Muhammad Iyaz
Masjid Al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al-Auzam
24 October 2021

#MVIaffairs #ThafseerClass

Dr. Mohamed Iyaz
4 Views · 2 years ago

Thafseer Class 55 - Dr. Muhammad Iyaz
Masjid Al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al-Auzam
2 October 2022

#MVIaffairs #ThafseerClass

11 Views · 2 years ago


Dr. Ali Zahir bin Saeed Qasim
9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ramadan Mahah Isthigubaal Kurun
Dr. Ali Zahir Bin Saeed Gasim

Showing 32 out of 46