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7 Views · 2 years ago

މަރުގެ ސަކަރާތަކީ
ވޭން އެހާ ހުރިކަމެއް
މިންޖުވުން އެކަކު ވެސް އޭ ނުވާނޭކަމެއް ބޮޑުކަމެއް
ވަގުތު ޖެހުމުން މިތާ މަލަކުލްމުއުތު އައިސް
ގެންދާނެ ފުރާނަ މަގޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
މަރުވުމުން ކަށްވަޅަށް ދާނެޔޭ ލާނެޔޭ ދާނެޔޭ
މަރުވުމުން ކަށްވަޅަށް ދާނެޔޭ ދާނެޔޭ ލާނެޔޭ
އކުއުޅުން އެކުވެރިން ވަކިވެގެން ދާނެޔޭ ދާނެޔޭ
މަންމަ ބައްޕަ ރޯނެޔޭ ދައްތަމެން ރޯނެޔޭ
އެކަމުގެ ދެގޮތުން ނުމެވެޔޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
ކަށްވަޅުގެ އަނދިރިކަން ލޯވަށާލާނެޔޭ,ލާނެޔޭ
ކަށްވަޅުގެ އަނދިރިކަން ލޯވަށާލާނެޔޭ
އެކަނި މާއެކަން އޮވު ނޯނެޔޭ ރޯނެޔޭ ރޯނެޔޭ
އެހީތެރީޔެއް ނެތޭ މަދަދުވެރިޔަކު ނެތޭ
ހާސްކަމުގެ މިއި އިންތިހާ އޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
ޖަންނަތުން އެދި އުޅުން ހެޔޮ ކުރާށޭ ޢަމަލް
ގިނަ ޢަމަލް
ޖަންނަތުން އެދި އުޅުން ހެޔޮ ކުރާށޭ ޢަމަލް
ވަގުތު ބޭކާރުނުވެ ވެސް މިވާ މަދު ވަގުތު މަދުވަގުތު
މަރުވުމުން ދެންއަމަން ދުނިޔެއަކަށް ނާދެޔޭ
މީ ލިބޭ ފުރުސަތެއް ކުޑަ މިތާ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
މަރުގެ ހިތިރަހަ ލިބިގެން ދެއޭ
ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ

10 Views · 2 years ago


4 Views · 1 year ago

⁣hailaa gulhunhuri baeh aanmu suvaalaai javaabu.

Mohammed Moosa
22 Views · 7 months ago

⁣Kureege Firimeeha
By Sheikh Mohammed Moosa
⁣Dharus: Ufaaveri Hayaathehge Sifathah
11 April 2023

Travel & Events
155 Views · 3 years ago

Drone footage of Pavilion/ Male', Republic of Maldives (part-d)

Travel & Events
330 Views · 3 years ago

Welcome to Male. Malé is the densely populated capital of the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It's known for its mosques and colorful buildings.

29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣andaalaafa alhithah vaige ethan mithanah buruvaali meehaa ah veegoiy
Sheikh Ibrahim Rifau

Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
10 Views · 2 years ago

Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
Adalath Party in inthizaamkohgen 1 November 2019 ga Carnival Stage ga beyvvi Dharus
(VTV ge recording)

Meeru Kaanaa
7 Views · 2 years ago

Kukulhu garudhiya(chicken broth) with chicken and rice
A very healthy meal which I made it without adding a single drop of oil.A healthy meal you can have when you are on qurantine because you won't gain any weight by eating this delicious meal.

To make broth
1 liter water
1kg chicken
If you add more chicken to the broth it will be high in protein and it will taste better.
I used basmati rice

21 Views · 2 years ago

Ruqya kurumuge Sharuee Minganduthah - Dharus Therein

#MVIaffairs #DharusTherein

11 Views · 2 years ago


Dr. Ali Zahir bin Saeed Qasim
9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ramadan Mahah Isthigubaal Kurun
Dr. Ali Zahir Bin Saeed Gasim

8 Views · 1 year ago

🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة

بئر السماء | مشاري راشد العفاسي - Be'r Alsama' | Mishari Rashed Alafasy

بئر السماء | مشاري راشد العفاسي
كلمات : عجلان ثابت
ألحان : مشاري العفاسي
توزيع : مصطفى قاسم واحمد سعيد

لشراء ألبوم المرتل عبر آيتيونز

آبل ميوزك
Be'r Alsama'
Lyrics: Aglan Thabet
Composer: Mishari Alafasy
Arranger: Mostafa Qasem -Ahmed Sa'ed
Album: Al Mattel 2018

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ظمآن و سقياك رواء في عطشي رمل و رحيل

هاجر في قلب صحراء و هي تهدهد اسماعيل

زمزم يا معجزة الماء يا هزمة جبريل

أرضك للعباد سماء ليس لهذا الغيث مثيل

زمزم يا جنة ماء زمزم يا بئر السماء

بسم الله الأعظم كل جراحي بلسم

و لعمري بركات و لأمالي مغنم

يا سر الله المدرار و رحيق شراب الأبرار

تحملك مضخات الشوق كم أنت كصوتك هدار

لك نهر بين الحرمين يتوالى ليلا و نهار

و يسافر من أطهر عين ليصب جوار المختار

لك جيش من خير سقاه و لصفو عذوبتك حماه

يا جهداً سخره الله بوركت و درك لله

أسقى الله و أطعم من أطعمنا زمزم

و أناخ البئر لنا و سقانا من زمزم

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Travel & Events
93 Views · 3 years ago

Welcome to Male. Malé is the densely populated capital of the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It's known for its mosques and colorful buildings.

98 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Islaamee Sharia ga Hifumah {LIVE}

Sheikh Ahmadh Sameer
7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Al-Jannah: A special program for Ramadan 1443 about paradise, produced by Jamiyyath Salaf and delivered by various prominent scholars.

Disseminating authentic Islamic knowledge to the Muslims of Maldives and the international community. Subscribe to our Channel and hit the bell icon to receive notifications of new video uploads.

Language: Dhivehi (Maldives)

sheikh mohamed ibrahim naifaru
20 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Barakaaiyy Nulavva Kaiveni
Kithaabu'Al Nikaah' (Kaiveni)
Buloogul Maraam
2010 03 16
sheikh mohamed ibrahim (naifaru)
Source:- Fathis Media

9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fahu Zamaan " Madhaha " Album
Based on the topic " End of the World ". My aim is to spread some good wisdom regarding this topic. Insha Allah.
Vocal & Melodies: Abdhulla Fareed
Lyrics: Al Usthaaz Adam Naseer Ibrahim, Aminath Agleema
Main Sponser: Alkaun Tv Channel
Recording & Mixing: AB Studio

Sheikh Ahmadh Sameer
7 Views · 12 months ago

Disseminating authentic Islamic knowledge to the Muslims of Maldives and the international community. Subscribe to our Channel and hit the bell icon to receive notifications of new video uploads.

Language: Dhivehi (Maldives)

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#jamiyyathsalaf #falastheen #islam #palestine

Showing 15 out of 31