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1,772 Views · 3 years ago

This is the generation of finger tips. People of Maldives want to put Dhivehi language in their finger tips. They want to post what's in their mind to social media in dhivehi language. Some of maldivians are facing difficulty in installing thaana keyboard especially elderly generation. So I preferred to post a video about it.

Travel & Events
1,402 Views · 3 years ago

One day trip to nolhivaran

Travel & Events
1,339 Views · 3 years ago

Enjoy a tour of the local island of Alifushi, located in Raa Atoll in The Maldives.

Explore the local culture, swim in crystal clear waters, go on a day trip to an island with 7 palm trees and meet the friendly locals!

We hope you enjoyed this video and do let us know if you have any questions or requests for other videos!

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#Alifushi​​​​​​​ #RaaAtoll #LocalIsland #Maldives​​​​​​​ #IslandTour​​​​​​​ #​​​​​​​AlifushiRaa ​​​​​​​ #LocalLife​​​​​​​ #MaldivesIslands​​​​​​​ #​​​RaaMaldives​​ #MaldivesResort​ #Drone​ #Sandbank​ #GoPro​​​​​

Peoples & Blogs
1,243 Views · 3 years ago

Ukulhas, Maldives:
The unrivalled beauty of Ukulhas Island makes this Maldives hotspot an unbeatable holiday destination. Each year, visitors are stunned by its white-sand beaches, lush vegetation and turquoise seas. This makes Ukulhas the ideal destination to explore the Indian Ocean’s treasures — a bounty of colorful tropical fish and sea life. Ukulhas has won awards for being the leading guesthouse island in Maldives as it is one of the best island for local islands tourism. The island is famous for its eco-friendly culture, with regular cleaning and planting programs taking place each year to keep the island looking its best.

Linked Sites:

"Table 3.3: Total Maldivian Population by Islands" (PDF). National Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 12 August 2018.

Special Thanks
Siarez Photography
Ackos Photography
Mirrupey Photography
Abdulla Adil
Shahil Mueen
Ibrahim Shiham

Travel & Events
1,129 Views · 3 years ago

The community-driven solution to address water shortage in Baa Maalhos is the first of its kind in Maldives.

The Maalhos Awareness and Recreation Society (MARS), a local NGO, partnered with the Island Council in pioneering the setup of an Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Facility that utilizes desalinated seawater and harvested rainwater to meet growing water demands in B. Maalhos.

What makes this initiative so significant is how the people of Maalhos turned the table in converting a burden into an opportunity. The IWRM Facility is the country's first such community-led initiative that provides a bottom-up solution to the people.

With a small grant from the Tourism Adaptation Project-implemented jointly by UNDP and the Ministry of Tourism- the project now provides Maalhos with a clean source of water that is adequate to meet their daily needs. The facility now produces more than enough water for the island community, as well as for prospective new businesses such as guesthouses and restaurants that are planned to be opened soon.

1,086 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Converting Boli Font to Faruma Font

Travel & Events
1,080 Views · 3 years ago

In this video; Includes details about the island of K.Himmafushi of the Maldives. as well as another video showing some of the most beautiful places and information in the maldives.

1,075 Views · 3 years ago

Maldives, a globally significant Coral reef ecosystem that provides vital services to the citizens and the internationally significant Mega Fauna such as Whale Sharks, Rays and Turtles.

The coral Reef Ecosystem of Maldives is the 7th largest in the world with an area of 21,300 Km2 and constitutes 3.14% of world’s coral reefs.

Watch the video to learn more on how we continue our commitment to sustainably use and conserve our oceans.

Peoples & Blogs
985 Views · 3 years ago

Interview 3 or 'basdheegathun 3' - Historical recounting of Maldivian history and culture by informed citizens. Narrated in Dhivehi (maldivian) by MMH featuring: First maldivian women cabinet minister, Madam Moomina Haleem.

911 Views · 3 years ago

Mi video gai himeney

apps: google play store
back music: #vaagipage


ވާގި ޕޭޖް އަކީ
މޮބައިލް ފޯނުގެ އެކި އެޕްލިކޭޝަންތަކުގެ މައުލޫމާތާއި
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އެއްވެސް އެޕްލިކޭޝަން އަކާއި ގުޅޭގޮތުން
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މެސެޖް އަކުން ނުވަތަ މެއިލް އަކުން ފޮނުވާލާ.

ވީހާ ގިނަ ފަރާތްތަކަށް މި މައުލޫމާތުތައް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް
ވީޑިއޯތައް ޝެއަރ ކޮށްލަދީ!

ޗެނަލްތައް އަދި ޕޭޖުތައް
ފޮލޯކޮށް ސަބްސްކްރައިބް ކޮއްލާ!


✍🏿 ނޯޓު:
މި ޗެނަލްގައި އިސްލާމް ދީނާއި ރާއްޖޭގެ ގާނޫނު ތަކާއި ހިލާފު ކަމެއް
ފަތުރާ ނުވަތަ އެފަދަ ކަމަކަށް ހިތްވަރު ލިބޭ ފަދަ ކަމެއްވެސް ނުކުރާނެ
ކަމުގެ ޔަގީންކަން ދެމެވެ.

މި ޗެނަލް އަކީ ހަމައެކަނި އުގަންނައި ދިނުމުގެ ބޭނުމުގައި ހެދިފައިވާ
ޗެނަލް އެކެވެ.

✍🏿 ނޯޓު:
މިވީޑިއޯގައި ހިމެނޭ ބައެއް ފޮޓޯ، މިޔުޒިކް، ވީޑިއޯ އަދި ގްރެފިކްސް ތަކަކީ
އަޅުގަނޑުގެ އަމިއްލަ އެއްޗެއްސެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެއީ އެތަކެތީގެ ވެރިފަރާތުގެ
ކޮޕީރައިޓްސް އޭގައި ހިމެނޭ އެފަރާތްތަކުގެ އަމިއްލަ ތަކެއްޗެވެ.

⏪ އެގޮތުން މި ވީޑިއޯގައި ހިމެނޭ އެފަދަ އެއްވެސް އެއްޗަކާއި ގުޅޭގޮތުން
އެ އެއްޗެއްގެ ވެރިފަރާތުން އެެއްވެސް މައްސަލައެއް އޮތްނަމަ
ލަސްނުކުރައްވާ އަޅުގަނޑަށް މެސެޖް ނުވަތަ މެއިލް ކޮށްލައްވާ!
އޭރުން އަޅުގަނޑު މި ވީޑިއޯ ނަގާނަމެވެ.

✍🏿 Note: This Channel doesn't Promote or encourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided by This Channel is meant for educational purpose only.

✍🏿NOTE: Some Images, Musics, Videos, Graphics, are shown in this video May be Copyrighted to respected owners, not mine.

⏩ if any content owner has some issues with my video please send a mail or message and i will remove the video.


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by: heem
960 7948400

846 Views · 3 years ago

This brick machine was designed by Ahmed Mauroof from Dh. Kudahuvadhoo. This is a production of graphy

796 Views · 3 years ago

In this video, I'm going to show you how I animated this beautiful illustration in Adobe After Effects.

Original Artwork by Hassan Eaman (Revi) for IAC

Thank you so much for watching.
Hit the subscribe button and the bell icon so that you don't miss out the future tutorials I've planned out :)

Check out my best animated wedding invitations

Check out the Design Challenge video I did with another Maldivian Digital Artist:

Want to use the subscribe animation that I'm using? It's free, check it out

Learn to remove background in 3 minutes

learn the Double Exposure effect in 3 minutes

Check out my current PC specs and PC build video

Check out my other works from here:

Outro: "Someone just like this - Cover" by Seidd

Wish you and your family a joyous wonderful day.
Stay home. Stay safe :)

Peoples & Blogs
789 Views · 3 years ago

Interview 5 or 'basdheegathun 5' - Historical recounting of Maldivian history and culture by informed citizens. Interviewed in Dhivehi (maldivian) by MMH featuring: well known author and public servant Medam Habeeba Hussain Habeeb.

Travel & Events
769 Views · 3 years ago

Drone footage of Sh.Milandhoo Island (part-c)

Peoples & Blogs
762 Views · 3 years ago

Interview 4 or 'basdheegathun 4' - Historical recounting of Maldivian history and culture by informed citizens. Narrated in Dhivehi (maldivian) by MMH featuring: well known businessman Athama Abdul Latheef.

751 Views · 3 years ago

A CSR initiative by PGO HDh Branch staff.

747 Views · 3 years ago

Learn how to enable typing in Dhivehi on Adobe Illustrator CC. For this example, I have used Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.

Font used is Faruma
This method will also work for Arabic Typing as well.

Peoples & Blogs
740 Views · 3 years ago

Interview 2 or 'basdheegathun 2' - Historical recounting of Maldivian history and culture by informed citizens. Narrated in Dhivehi ( maldivian) by MMH featuring: First maldivian medical doctor late Dr. N D Abdulla on his life.

Travel & Events
721 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Thoddoo Island - Maldives

Showing 4 out of 5