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15 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Hikmaiytheri Beykalaku Dharikalunnah Dhevvi Naseyhaiy ᴴᴰ | Surah Luqman | [Dhivehi Subtitles]

Peoples & Blogs
35,060 Views · 3 years ago

Lefun: Hanimaadhooin behunu meehun ge vaahaka

Dr. Mohamed Iyaz
13 Views · 2 years ago

Thafseer Class 47 - Dr. Muhammad Iyaz
Masjid Al-Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu Al-Auzam
05 June 2022

#MVIaffairs #ThafseerClass

Dr. Mohamed Iyaz
16 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Hailuverin Roadha Hifun Haram: Dr.Mohamed Iyaz

Ibrahim Fareed Ahmed (Sheikh Fareed)
12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Vidhaa Babulhamundhaa Nooru
3 Sept 2021
Sheikh Ibrahim Fareed Ahmed

8 Views · 1 year ago

Recording: @BeatologyOfficial
Mixing & Mastering: TRO

sheikh mohamed ibrahim naifaru
32 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Allah Ge hukumfulhu Thanfeez Nukuraa Verimeehaa
Kithaabu'Al Jinaayaath
Buloogul Maraam
2010 05 17
sheikh mohamed ibrahim (naifaru)
Source:- Fathis Media

Travel & Events
16,195 Views · 3 years ago

Maroshi Documentary

Travel & Events
67 Views · 3 years ago

Sharks in Maldives, Under water

22 Views · 3 years ago tha' aaraf video Dhivehi bahun

1,772 Views · 3 years ago

This is the generation of finger tips. People of Maldives want to put Dhivehi language in their finger tips. They want to post what's in their mind to social media in dhivehi language. Some of maldivians are facing difficulty in installing thaana keyboard especially elderly generation. So I preferred to post a video about it.

Dr. Mohamed Iyaz
21 Views · 2 years ago

Thafseer Class 15 - Dr. Muhammadh Iyaz#ThafseerClass #MVIaffairs #MaghribDharus

133 Views · 3 years ago

Note foiy app use kuraane goiy.

➡ Ehves suwaaleh oiy nama suwaalu kohlawaa.

➡ veehaawes gina faraaithakah share kohdhehvaa adhi mi channel ah subscribe kurahwaa

🔴 alhugandumen ge ehen platform thakakee.

🔴 alhugandumenge mail id akee

45 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Google Classroom Tutorial Part 1 for students in Dhivehi

9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Language: Dhivehi (Maldives)
Report: Sheikh Muhammadh Sinan
voice: Ali Rameez

Meeru Kaanaa
10 Views · 2 years ago

During the vedio some parts will be missing because while i was editing the vedio by mistake i deleted some parts.but below i have given the correct method of cooking.just add all the ingredients and blend for chicken marinade.

Chicken satay with peanut sauce

For chicken marination

Half small onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbls cumin powder
1 tbls corriander powder
2 inch ginger
Soya sauce
Fish sauce
1 tbls lemon juice
1 tbls chilli powder
1 tbls turmeric powder
1/2 tbls brown sugar
Salt to taste

Peanut sauce

Rosted peanuts
1tbls brown sugar
3 garlic cloves
Tamarind paste
Soya sauce
Fish sauce
Chilli powder
3 or 4 tbls Coconut milk
salt to taste

Mix all the ingredients and blend it in a mixer.coat the chicken well and keep in the refrigerator for 1 hour.assemble the chciken skewers and bake on a pan.

For peanut sauce
Blend all the ingredienta and transfer the paste in a pan and add 5 to 6 tbls coconut milk and cook for 1 and a half min.

Sheikh Adam Nishan
14 Views · 2 years ago

A special lecture was given by Sh. Adham Nishaan after Maqrib Prayers at Islamic Center

7 Views · 2 years ago

މަރުގެ ސަކަރާތަކީ
ވޭން އެހާ ހުރިކަމެއް
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ގެންދާނެ ފުރާނަ މަގޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
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މަންމަ ބައްޕަ ރޯނެޔޭ ދައްތަމެން ރޯނެޔޭ
އެކަމުގެ ދެގޮތުން ނުމެވެޔޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
ކަށްވަޅުގެ އަނދިރިކަން ލޯވަށާލާނެޔޭ,ލާނެޔޭ
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އެހީތެރީޔެއް ނެތޭ މަދަދުވެރިޔަކު ނެތޭ
ހާސްކަމުގެ މިއި އިންތިހާ އޭ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
ޖަންނަތުން އެދި އުޅުން ހެޔޮ ކުރާށޭ ޢަމަލް
ގިނަ ޢަމަލް
ޖަންނަތުން އެދި އުޅުން ހެޔޮ ކުރާށޭ ޢަމަލް
ވަގުތު ބޭކާރުނުވެ ވެސް މިވާ މަދު ވަގުތު މަދުވަގުތު
މަރުވުމުން ދެންއަމަން ދުނިޔެއަކަށް ނާދެޔޭ
މީ ލިބޭ ފުރުސަތެއް ކުޑަ މިތާ

ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ
މަރުގެ ހިތިރަހަ ލިބިގެން ދެއޭ
ވަގުތީ ދުނިޔެ
ނިމިގެން މިދަނީ
ވިސްނާށޭ އަޙުން އުޙުންނޭ

18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Kanbuloge Vaahaka
⁣Sheikh Mujuthaba Hameed
Video Source: Ilm Foundation

9 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Verikan LIbey Meeha Ah LIbey Faida aa Verikan Nulibey Meeha Ah LIbey Gehlun
Kithaabu'Al Imaan wa Nuxoor
Buloogul Maraam
2010 07 26
sheikh mohamed ibrahim (naifaru)
Source:- Fathis Media

Showing 21 out of 46