Senaste videorna
Dhe Aalamah
Shalabee Ibrahim
Hidhaaee Nooru Madhaha Album
Release date: 30 June 2016
Title: "Dhulun Emme Furathama Kiyunu Lafzu Mammaa"
Vocals: Mohamed Faryd
Lyrics: Mohamed Nadheem
Melody: Mohamed Faryd
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Shalabee Ibrahim
Release date: 30 June 2016
Hidhaaee Nooru Madhaha Album
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Madhaha - Mammaa thee aslee By Shalabee
visnaalumah edhemey
99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna)
Vocal: Aishath Mishka
Lyrics: Hassan Shakir Mohamed
Lead cast: Aishath Mishka
Title: Mamma
Vocals: Hammadh Rasheed (Hampu)
Lyrics and Melody: Hammadh Rasheed (Hampu)
Mixing and Mastering: Ismail Adheel (Mistee)
Story & Dialogues: Hammadh Rasheed (Hampu)
Video Direction: Ahmed Shinaan - Shinte (Redlit Media)
Cinematography: Ahmed Shinaan - Shinte & Adam Waseem - AD
Special Thanks - Tree Top Hospital
Beverage Sponsor: BonAqua
Restaurant Partner - Rachito Restaurant & Lounge
Special Thanks: Bajikko, Nabeel Zameel & Hum
Mother - Shakeela Adam
Father - Hassan Manik
Son - Hammadh Rasheed (Hampu)
Daughter - Mariyam Shifa (Thiff)
Friend - Haani Badheeu
Baby Boy - (Son of Nabeel & Hum)
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, this short depiction is about a son who regrets the disrespectful ignorance he showed to his mother the moment she passed away. He forgets the sacrifices of countless days and nights his parents were at his service to build him a future of his own.
A mother’s love must be appreciated and acknowledged everyday before it’s too late.
A production of Raalhugandu Studio © 2022
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Dhivehi Madhaha: Roa ruin gina kurey:
Adu: Azheel fiyoaree
Lhen: Ashraf Ali
Allah Akbar - Ali Rameez
Dhivehi Lyrical Video
#alirameez #madhaha #islamic
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Madhaha : Kau Saahibaa
Vocal : Muhammad Ishan
Album : Zikr
Please say : “ Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim “
Meaning : O Allah, send prayers and peace upon Muhammad and upon his Family and Companions.
It was narrated that Ubayy ibn Ka‘b (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
I said: O Messenger of Allah, I send a great deal of blessings upon you; how much of my du‘aa’ should be sending blessings upon you? He said: “Whatever you wish.” I said: One quarter? He said: “Whatever you wish, and if you do more, that will be better for you.” I said: One half? He said: “Whatever you wish and if you do more, that will be better for you.” I said: Two thirds? He said: “Whatever you wish and if you do more, that will be better for you.” I said: I will make all of my du‘aa’ for you. He said: “Then your concerns will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven.”
[Tirmidhi – 2457]
#islam #muhammadﷺ #madhaha
🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة
بئر السماء | مشاري راشد العفاسي - Be'r Alsama' | Mishari Rashed Alafasy
بئر السماء | مشاري راشد العفاسي
كلمات : عجلان ثابت
ألحان : مشاري العفاسي
توزيع : مصطفى قاسم واحمد سعيد
لشراء ألبوم المرتل عبر آيتيونز
آبل ميوزك
Be'r Alsama'
Lyrics: Aglan Thabet
Composer: Mishari Alafasy
Arranger: Mostafa Qasem -Ahmed Sa'ed
Album: Al Mattel 2018
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ظمآن و سقياك رواء في عطشي رمل و رحيل
هاجر في قلب صحراء و هي تهدهد اسماعيل
زمزم يا معجزة الماء يا هزمة جبريل
أرضك للعباد سماء ليس لهذا الغيث مثيل
زمزم يا جنة ماء زمزم يا بئر السماء
بسم الله الأعظم كل جراحي بلسم
و لعمري بركات و لأمالي مغنم
يا سر الله المدرار و رحيق شراب الأبرار
تحملك مضخات الشوق كم أنت كصوتك هدار
لك نهر بين الحرمين يتوالى ليلا و نهار
و يسافر من أطهر عين ليصب جوار المختار
لك جيش من خير سقاه و لصفو عذوبتك حماه
يا جهداً سخره الله بوركت و درك لله
أسقى الله و أطعم من أطعمنا زمزم
و أناخ البئر لنا و سقانا من زمزم
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Dhivehi Madhaha: Mammage lolaaa | Azheel Fiyoaree
Lhen: Ashraf Ali
Adu: Azheel Ahmed
Video: Inaayath Saeed