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5 Views · 12 months ago

Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture, Government of Maldives
Training, Extension And Adaptive Research Section
7th floor, Velaanage, Ameer Ahmed Magu
Male’, 20096 MALDIVES
Tel No: 3322625 | 6520076
Website:- Email:-

5 Views · 12 months ago

Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, Government of Maldives

Dr. Ali Zahir bin Saeed Qasim
23 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Veriaku neiy Gaumeh?
Sheikh Ali Zahir
Dharus:- ⁣مودة ورحمة
Open Dharus by Jamiyyathul Akhwaath
in affiliation with Ministry of Islamic Affairs

Ali Zaid
7 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Ahuluvereennah Heyokoh Hithun⁣
Sheikh Ali Zaid
Jamiyyathul Islam Dharus 1444

8 Views · 2 years ago

An Islamic lecture on raising children, named "Heyo Lafaa Dhariyakah Edhi", was delivered by Sheikh Mohamed Aneel, on 19th January 2019.

This lecture was organised by Ministry of Islamic Affairs in affiliation with the Mahaldheeb Foundation.


Sheikh Ilyas Hussain
14 Views · 2 years ago

An Islamic lecture on family values, named "Baajjaveri Aailaa", was delivered by Sheikh Ilyas Hussein, on 04th January 2019.


14 Views · 2 years ago

Video Source:- ⁣Siyamex

⁣#siyamex #dhivehi
In this complete blog tutorial I will show you step by step How To Create A Dhivehi Blog or News Website in Wordpress without creating one line of code.


Install Wordpress and install and activate any RTL supported theme

example: ⁣

Download theme from above link.

2. Install Thaana Plugin (Download below link)


11 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Emme Fahuge Dhivehi Font 2022. Hurihaa Emmenah libunu Eid Hadhiya. Mi video ga in Font download kuraane goi?
Font Install kuraane goi?
Gaumee Nidhan & Gaumee dhidha symbol add kuraane goi?

DhivehiFont Site ge Eid Hadhiya | Dhivehi | Shaf RZ
Language Dhivehi (Maldivian Language)

Dhivehi Salhi Font hoadhumah

Zip file hulhuvan beynun kurevidhaane free app eh

Social Links

130 Views · 3 years ago

Faruma Portal is an online platform introduced to provide contactless services and eco-friendly methods to submit architectural drawing applications.

1,072 Views · 3 years ago

Maldives, a globally significant Coral reef ecosystem that provides vital services to the citizens and the internationally significant Mega Fauna such as Whale Sharks, Rays and Turtles.

The coral Reef Ecosystem of Maldives is the 7th largest in the world with an area of 21,300 Km2 and constitutes 3.14% of world’s coral reefs.

Watch the video to learn more on how we continue our commitment to sustainably use and conserve our oceans.

242 Views · 3 years ago

Make My Island initiative, is a platform which invites private sector partners to invest and work together with UNDP to provide sustainable development solutions for Maldivian communities. While UNDP evolves with the rapid changes being faced by the country, we remain committed to continue our support for the Maldivian people to live better lives. UNDP offers global expertise and local insight spanning almost 40 years in the Maldives. At the same time, innovative solutions, technical expertise and investment from the private sector can overcome many challenges for Maldives communities. With their immense potential, the private sector can become the leaders creating the biggest development impact on the ground. It would be hard to drive development forward without business being on board. Join us! Let’s work together to transform challenges into opportunities for the Maldives and its people.

5,300 Views · 3 years ago

What can be achieved when a community unites is truly remarkable. Check out how the people of Faresmaathoda is leading the charge and being an innovator in better waste management.
Like many other islands in the Maldives, despite having its own Waste Management Centre, the whole of Faresmaathoda was being treated like a waste dump. This changed when Red Production won a small grant of the Mangroves for the Future Programme (MFF). Under this grant, a waste governance mechanism was brought about and the Waste Management Centre was made functional through the hard work of the Local Council and all other partners. Not only is the island a much cleaner and pleasant place, but also the community is testing and continuously finding solutions for island level waste management which can be replicated elsewhere in the Maldives.
MFF is co-chaired by International Union for Conservation (IUCN) and United Nations Development Porgramme (UNDP) and implemented by UNDP in the Maldives.

26 Views · 3 years ago

ސޮލިޑް ސްޓޭޓް ޑްރައިވް (އެސްއެސްޑީ) އަކީ މިހާރު ހަލުވިކަމާއެކު އާންމުވަމުންދާ ޑްރައިވްއެކެވެ

43 Views · 3 years ago

އެންޑްރޮއިޑް ފޯނެއް ވެބްކެމަރާއެއް ގޮތަށް ކޮމްޕިޔުޓަރުގައި ބޭނުންކުރެވޭނެގޮތް ކިޔައިދޭނަމެވެ

މިވީޑިޔޯގެ ފޯނުސްކްރީނުގެ ރެކޯޑިންގްގެ ނުސާފުކަމަށް މަޢާފަށް އެދެމެވެ

29 Views · 3 years ago

In this playlist, I will be using Sketchup Free to help me create an estimation for a renovation on the ground floor of my house. I will be using my native language (Dhivehi) to explain/teach in this video.

23 Views · 3 years ago

In this playlist, I will be using Sketchup Free to help me create an estimation for a renovation on the ground floor of my house. I will be using my native language (Dhivehi) to explain/teach in this video.

44 Views · 3 years ago

In this playlist, I will be using Sketchup Free to help me create an estimation for a renovation on the ground floor of my house. I will be using my native language (Dhivehi) to explain/teach in this video.

61 Views · 3 years ago

ޑިސްކް ޑްރައިވް އަކީ ވަރަށް އާންމު އެއްޗެކެވެ. މިވީޑިޔޯގައި މިފަދަ ޑްރައިވްއެއް ރޫޅާލާނަމެވެ

29 Views · 3 years ago

In this playlist, I will be using Sketchup Free to help me create an estimation for a renovation on the ground floor of my house. I will be using my native language (Dhivehi) to explain/teach in this video.

29 Views · 3 years ago

In this playlist, I will be using Sketchup Free to help me create an estimation for a renovation on the ground floor of my house. I will be using my native language (Dhivehi) to explain/teach in this video.

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